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Rhonda A. Thompson, “A Voice for the Voiceless” is an astonishing empowerment speaker, advocate, and author, who informs, motivates and empowers women of all walks of life to live purposefully. She is also a champion of victims and struggling survivors of domestic violence and abuse, and is dedicated to helping others to see their options and their potential to, ultimately, find their freedom.

With focus and determination, going from SURVIVOR to OVERCOMER, this Milwaukee, Wisconsin native, born July 23. 1975, earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and, subsequently, became the CEO & Founder of Rose of Sharon Transitional Living for Women, Inc. Also an ordained minister; Rhonda uses her “voice,” her experience, and her education to enlighten others to help release them from the pain of domestic violence.

Ms. Thompson had the privilege of beginning her domestic violence work in 1988 while manning the crisis hotline at “Sojourner Truth House” in Wisconsin. She also worked with “Brothers Against Domestic Violence” as a female body guard who escorted women to court for domestic violence cases. A woman who has survived multiple forms of abuse, including sexual abuse, she can understand a victim’s perspective. She became an intricate part of the healing process for many women and uses her survivor platform to reach back and help others. Her life’s mission is to eradicate the senseless physical, emotional and mental damage, injuries, and deaths that occur as a result of abuse and domestic violence. She is also dedicated to helping women to find their own voice, to live authentically, and to design a life that they love.

Rhonda is the mother of two sons and the author of “Don’t Spill the Tea”